E l Pepper is originally from Mexico, Bolivia and Peru. They arrived in Spain in 1493, after the first voyage of Christopher Columbus to America. Native Americans were called chili, but the English and the Portuguese called Brazilian pepper or peppers.
From the sixteenth century began to be grown in Spain and Italy went on to and from Italy arrived in France. The Portuguese were in charge of them reach the rest of Europe and the rest of the world. But the larger varieties, fleshy sweet little spicy, we eat today, began to be cultivated from the twentieth century.
The Pepper belongs to the family of Solanaceae, gender of Capsicum , of \u200b\u200bwhich there are 2,300 species, also belong to them tomato and eggplant.
pepper The caloric intake is important, lots of water, fiber and almost no fat.
-Vitamins: C (a lot more than citrus) E, A, B1, B2, B3, B6.
-Minerals: phosphorus and magnesium, potassium, calcium
-Other: Folic acid, carotene , capsanthin, beta carotene.
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