Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pitcures And More About Verjinas

Business empty, even when ......

Today I
Jaén been walking around, and I stayed for the business as they are all empty, there was nobody about 19:30 pm, not a soul, the more I've found has been a hairdresser with two customers waiting , other, phone, decorating, pharmacy, etc etc nothing all empty. Now comes the Christmas and again if this is arranged to have a little, because the situation really is dire, and there is no trust, people we do not trust to invest anywhere and this is bad for business long not hold anything at all I just want to tell those who are waiting for the thing back to normal, do not expect more and do what you want to do now, because this even politicians say that is fixed, will take to straighten out many years because they are making a very big dent is going to be difficult to fill. Still, those small businesses resist life, because they know what it is like hardships, when before they sold everything and got the big department stores and grocery chains, which carried the typical target store in libretilla "and my mother will pay you. " Well just wish all those who've been very lucky today because they really need and that fight with the big chains are the ones that are killing it off and say Decathlon and some others intend to settle in Jaén, my mother.


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