that I am not an expert in matters of politics, nor do I have an opinion laudable on what I read in the paper today, but knowing people like me know it seems that this government team PSOE has been the pot with the new additions, and I mean one in particular, to Mr Paco Gipsy, this has left me stunned, for the truth to these types of card in hand and obedience unprecedented, according to say, to defeat the presidents of neighborhood associations such as the gazebo, now pay with the small stall on call "if we go to the polls" and must tell the PeƱalver.
For if, as have out there, this man was able to drive to a neighboring president of the arbor of the PP and the mayor paid to do so, (repeat say all this bad language) but also that this man did not have have no idea, nor is prepared to say that to which the well-known in his neighborhood "that good and we're asking Paco work" in order in my humble opinion but I think if this is the best we have, "forget it" because this will be like having an uncle in Great, you know .........
comment sent by Aneth, thanks friend.
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