Sunday, February 27, 2011

Clawfoot Tub Solutions

REPASITO A SHOE TO MR ...............
today I have raised some mad man !!!!!

Mr Zapatero has you covered with glory, is often blind to not see evidence of actions and the harm it causes more than good, with these measures.

Firstly do you want we save? subsidies to promote hybrid vehicles which consume less, and would look just like people buy them, if you want us to save on gas, get out campaigns such as "if you drink do not drive," but not forced on pain of fine, clear and anyone with minimal intelligence would recognize that it is a revenue-raising measure rather than savings.

On the other hand, do stickers? well, that family should be investigated in any political luminaries has a factory sticker of those, because none of that is done from this bunch of thieves without any vested interest.

If you want us to stop smoking, which would force companies here just to sell tobacco snuff less harmful substances, and only sell them where you are to sell, you ban smoking in bars, but not buying, curious to say the least, is more apparent the intent of our des-governors, just want to get chopped everything.

If you want us to save, to eliminate useless and unnecessary public office if they want us to save, to be them in their cars to work or share official vehicles, "the price increase? very well, with the economic situation of families that is perfect, and joderlos of all, pay downs? And why they have so many advantages and benefits and have not touched the Sueldazo they have? What children will occupy more than parents? Would not have contributed to ensure a decent pension many of them? Now they are going to rob the elderly? c'mon, with that comment, it is clear that this country is full of cazurros who have no idea what to do to not enslave the people, not to submit, that Franco is dead and buried, not for us to live a second dictatorship by politicians. "Mood? kilo and a half gives me mood with an open hand that you deserve the stupidity of thought, to see if they take away the nonsense, because that scum like you, thinking themselves a slave and retrograde dictatorship, this bloody country never improve and prosper. There are most appropriate for all, beginning with education and information about saving measures, health, consumer, information that allows us to freely choose for ourselves if we meet them without being obliged to undergo it. How disgusting of people that this country will never get better and thrive, they will never get people to feel comfortable and free in this country, what service to the state coffers? if, at the expense of robbing the people, and force him to submit to what they can not have, when they are carried month to month what many make in a year in this country. We said, spirit kilo and a half but with the right hand open, to see if the away a lot of stupid people in this country because he likes to submit, then why not take the nonsense of people like to do?
What you have now invented the stickers will be the biggest scam of the decade, if not the time, as I say that the prosecution and investigation appropriate to go who have entrusted all these because I think this will bring tail.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sim City 4 Deluxe Simcity 4 Deluxe Ver. 1.1.638

crochet spiral necklace with a bolonchel of Chel and a silver chain with Swarovski earrings

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Your-feet In-public Go Barefoot

VIVA sincere in Jaen, that good ....

As I read today, the city owes the brotherhoods grouping of more than 190,000 euros from year to year which are unpaid, and that is why having no money will not Roman soldiers Easter Jaen because they can not pay, and I stunned by the news and with the seriousness it gives me a newspaper as the VIVA jaén read the news and see the last paragraph of it:

The Association of Guilds, the output of the Roman soldiers costs over 8,000 Roman a year between salary and maintenance of costumes.

(News of the day February 25)

After reading that will be more than 8,000 thousand Roman I laughed and I suddenly thought that "these will not charge in his life "because if there euros" Romans "and tell me ......

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fotos De Milena Velba

show me your ID, sir .... I will reward you for your obedience

that I am not an expert in matters of politics, nor do I have an opinion laudable on what I read in the paper today, but knowing people like me know it seems that this government team PSOE has been the pot with the new additions, and I mean one in particular, to Mr Paco Gipsy, this has left me stunned, for the truth to these types of card in hand and obedience unprecedented, according to say, to defeat the presidents of neighborhood associations such as the gazebo, now pay with the small stall on call "if we go to the polls" and must tell the Peñalver.
For if, as have out there, this man was able to drive to a neighboring president of the arbor of the PP and the mayor paid to do so, (repeat say all this bad language) but also that this man did not have have no idea, nor is prepared to say that to which the well-known in his neighborhood "that good and we're asking Paco work" in order in my humble opinion but I think if this is the best we have, "forget it" because this will be like having an uncle in Great, you know .........
comment sent by Aneth, thanks friend.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Elmira Wish Upon A Star

A necklace tupis very colorful and

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Puppy Party Invitation Rhyme

new political party in Jaen. "RISA" ... me!
For the last-minute undecided voters for new elections before us on 22 May, to set up a Nueno Jaen political party, called the party of the RISA (Independent Republican Andaluz Solidario) is chaired by Antonio Navas, officer and clown and magician in his spare time under the name 'Tonini. " At least we have another alternative the capital, having as they go.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Directions How Masterbate Diagram

unprofessional in some shops

I can not believe the lack of professionalism and customer service with many businesses in the city center when serving customers, and with little regard to what to them may Like it or not, or what you can offer or not, so just complain that in this world where once the customer was the priority, is no longer, only I have or I have not, "Get a Life" blue or white, "Get a Life" small or medium, big no, "Get a Life" and in the midst of all this anxiety you create your own dealer for mobile phone rings and no more than 15 minutes courtesy talking sticks by without realizing it overwhelmed her client is waiting, finally a little professionalism and would seem to some companies in which its clients are all in this case the client is not all alone, one person in the middle of his shop.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bedwetting Secret Diaper

swarosvki faceted silver earrings and a brooch with stones

Dvd Rental Suggestions

Paqui goodies my friend and I played in the draw for gifts

My friend knew of my love for the ticked and gave me this beautiful, I am delighted to have her with affection is also Paqui that has sent me the same affection I feel for her.

also sent me this beautiful jewelry box with my name on the cover, a luxury Paqui
thanks, you made me happy because it was a total surprise

These gifts touched me a chance to win goodies cotton, a beautiful doll and a flower brooch, thanks

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Should I Shower Before Waxing?


just want to share with you a little temper tantrum that left him one after passing the fatiguitas why I've spent this morning to get to the city of Jaén for some business, my mother that liturgy, mine disaster forecast that slippage in ideas, not is that today I have not gone well at all to get to City Hall from the Avenida de Andalucia, and my periblo begins the following way;

I leave my garage and I am ready to go in the direction to walk from the station, I walk up Calle de Alfredo Klaus Alferes provisonales now that sounds more posh, and I find it closed for renovation, a hole that had five months and today there have been presisamnete to fix, well, I go to walk from the station down the street from the old jail and the tail of the semaphore Hotel constable came up there, "the virgin" half an hour, despair ... ..... I get to Sisters of the Poor, another jam more (start snort) you want to pass an ambulance, but as there is nothing at all over so that is expected also to the surface nerves, let Assisted the ambulance and noisy.

I get parking in the market hall, quite impossible to get (and I is that I have a high drive that I can only park in the area above) I get out, jam eggs in the door of the deputation, patras palante or nothing, I get Darymeria film area, looking for parking, anything, desperate, San Lorenzo upload arch bridge and came to Santa Ana at the height of where the dressing room of the grandfather, turn right and almost reaching St. Mary's Square closed find a minihueco, with much hardship it put the car under me I go, back, $ 200 fine for parking in a forbidden zone, anger me, I shit in the dead of "cough" low for my house, but traffic jams, no parking, I think put him in the car fire, I leave my parking space that costs me a peak month, and my wife says "open all Mandaa done well noooo" fin. .............................................. no ... ... I did not cry, but it should not have picked up the fucking bus.