Monday, October 25, 2010

What Is The Best Thing For Joints


captures this report does Manuel in his blog .

Although written in late September and not answered by the Ministry of Education of the Xunta de Galicia, I bring back and I remember that letter, so that together we can get our outrage at the situation of the girl and her family and all our support. Please pass it and send an email to the address below. Thanks. Angela

still not received adequate education to their mood, emotional and psychological, AFTER BEING THE VICTIM OF A TERRIBLE ASSAULT.
PLEASE PASS, Distribute AND SEND THE FOLLOWING TEXT VIA E-MAIL WITH YOUR PERSONAL DATA TO REGIONAL PRESIDENT OF the Galician regional government, the Minister of Education.

Mr. Vazquez Abad:
"You need to meet the right teacher the education of a child. "
This phrase appears could be read on the jobs section of any newspaper is the desperately sought a mother of a girl who is now a little over 14 years. The petition would have no importance unless you knew some details of the context in which such application is developed, and then you remember:
Angela, 14 year old girl, do not attend class since last March 2009 bound by some unfortunate, barbaric and shameful events in the school where he studied. The day I met 13 years was savagely pushed from behind by a "courageous" teenager at his school, who had starred other serious offenses. The consequences of this brutal push resulted in serious injuries to knee, elbow, nose, mouth, loss of teeth, lip injury, etc. and what is even more severe, the child's psychological collapse, which involved falling into a deep state of depression and anxiety, which led to a very grave picture of post-traumatic stress, which has led to the day Angela today can not dare to go to school at all. In fact house exits are rare and out fear and terror are very pronounced, according to his mother. Angela
has become considered by many specialists, among them is, Dr. Araceli Oñate, the person next to Dr. Iñaki Piñuel, probably better known nationally, this scourge and socio-educational terrorism: bullying, reflected in the various studies and tests conducted on very found bullying suffered by the child.

ninguneo and Fruit of the syndrome of denial of his school and, therefore, an entire education system and willing accomplice, the responsibility not to allow such an affront to dignity, freedom and rights of any person, and even more a minor has washed his hands, hiding behind the harasser be removed from the center, but trying to wring its obligation and responsibility, not having known not only ensure the physical and psychological integrity of the girl, despite the known history of the executor, but as a vice general throughout our education system has understood that it is better to wash the image of the center and try to show the supposed immaculate purity of ethics, humanity and decency of the center, even at the expense of disregarding the pain of Angela and her family, denying even a right as fundamental as the right to education, since that day Today, Angela takes months of being unable to attend any school, given its serious psycho-emotional shock, but the education system has never sought or allowed small of adequate educational training at home, with a teacher who daily support and strengthen on that fundamental right and the little angel that has stagnated and lost by the time one and a half.
Although formulas exist to support and assist students who for various reasons are convalescing at home and are supported and encouraged by teachers to achieve a suitable level of education, Angela, in this case, further isolating him further verified a terrible unfairness to other cases, by not responding to such basic and fundamental needs and grow and develop with adequate formal education, found that the blockade caused by this terrible stress PTSD, suffered by young women after a brutal assault have relegated it to be cloistered within the four walls of your home, as the terror he feels.
The history of our education system and, by extension, institutional, repeat once more: it seems appropriate to deny basic rights such as education of a girl, despite being the victim of a terrorist called bullying to soil the integrity and image of a school, when in reality most blemish you can have and do not delete is to be an element of bullying that is to be an active accomplice and as complacent or even enhancing these acts predators, they help to brutal ruler to follow this way of contempt, humiliation and harassment of victims indeterminate, so vile attitudes as hiding serious facts.

Then come the complaints of those who did not want to eradicate this violence, hiding facts, shame and even polluted covering facts. Complaints that same impassive fellow teachers looked the other way when the victims were students, very probably, "last week" are victims of some brutal teenagers, who were still in their infancy manageable unwilling or simply did not care this, since the problem was not with them.
Meanwhile, a girl 14 years and a half has been waiting for sanity, logic, decency, ethics and dignity of some players leave their passive educational network and meet shame inherent rights and fundamental as that of an adequate education. Very rude, indeed, at least for now, those managers and leaders of the opposite of what they believe to represent. What are you waiting
Mr. Vázquez Abad, Director of Education of the Xunta de Galicia, to meet the needs of Angela?. Are not you embarrassed occurs even have a girl for a year and a half, for the moment, unable to receive proper education in the environment of his long by the negligence of a school who failed to adequately protect or support it?
Act Now, Mr. Vázquez Abad, not only for dignity and ethics, but for humanity. Get involved at once, lest it finally becomes popular for being known in too many corners of our national geography as one of those three politicians who did not understand the fourth step profitable honest and help a girl, Angela to that bureaucracy and exacerbated corporatist crony forever excluded, despite being, I remember him, a victim. Take Action and Get Involved
please: Angela and Isabel, his mother, among others, will be grateful. Many people that we will Echoing and extending this public complaint also, as we understand, that silence, ninguneo or look the other way makes us complicit, so it would be inconsistent with our status as defending the inherent rights of man, indeed the victims were minors. RSVP
, and especially a human solution, ethics are for the little angel, finally enjoy a free and appropriate education to their present conditions.
Atte. Name

ID: No

Send to
secretaria.presidente @ @ gabinete.educacion

Let's put our two cents and send emails, we are many and together we can help Angela, ok? Forward


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