Thursday, April 1, 2010

What Percent Of My Body Is Muscle?

News. Platform Inclusion in the Covenant

The last step we took as a platform, was to go to Presidency of the Government and the Minister of Education with a document input and development of target 12 of the draft State educational pact.

We share with you the response of Prime Minister's Office and the Cabinet of the Minister, and the letter we sent today, in reply.

Presidency of the Government Response

Charter Platform

We are convinced that inclusive education, quality their interests and needs and equal opportunities with their peers as well as our right, it is possible. Make public the proposal, which parliamentarians are partners with whom we meet, the Chairmen of the Committees on Education and Disability of the congress of deputies, the Minister of Education and the Prime Minister.

is not "the solution" is simply a solution, even if possible education, and this is a recipe "emergency" to intervene and in schools and ensure respect for the rights of our children.

open classrooms for diversity.

still working.


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