"social and political Pact for Education" A chance for human rights
Dear friends,
We have studied the document of state educational Covenant. As the first paper, we advance a summary of the aspects that seem most relevant. We are very happy
beyond gathered to see our proposals as a platform, we welcome the clear commitment of the Government and the Minister of Education for a decent education, according to the human rights of English schoolchildren with disabilities.
trust in the high-mindedness of the various political parties, unions and other social agents involved the signing of the Articles of Incorporation and Political Education. We call on his part, we considered the signing of agreements to ensure quality education and equal opportunities for our children, and understand that should reach agreement, because we are talking about nothing less than human rights.
agraceder We trust and support of all the signers of the petition campaign, about 5000 when we write these lines, members of the facebook group, 2328, the various organizations that have signed the initiative, the group Against Myths autism, Autism from A to Z. In short, all who have contributed with their support for the right to inclusive education, equal opportunities, soak the Covenant of State.
Thank you all, we still think that of all YES PO-DE-MOS, the view is, we keep working. Inma
Cardona, Esther Square, Eva Reduello, Cuca Da Silva.
The "Social and Political Pact for Education" an opportunity for Human Rights.
The Social and Political Covenant for Education is a State issue. This category was given its importance, its impact, and the necessary extension in time.
These shared overall objectives established to give effect to the principles of equity and excellence, and thus substantially improve our results education. It is this framework that should be reflected in a large social and political pact for Education, to be implemented by education authorities in their respective areas of competence.
Closely linked to these principles, we must place the design of inclusive education, intercultural and diverse that our society demands.
The proposals presented below are of a different nature. Some of them involve legislative changes, others require specific negotiations in the relevant fields, others refer to specific policies that are the responsibility of each educational administration, and other lies with the schools at their autonomy.
For this we need an education system that ensures equity and excellence at all levels, a flexible system to facilitate mobility between the various training options, to promote research, innovation and knowledge transfer, which provide that no student is excluded.
Therefore, we established the following objectives:
1. Take the necessary steps to ensure that all students complete their compulsory education knowledge, basic skills and values \u200b\u200bnecessary for personal and professional development for continuity in future studies in the context of training and learning throughout life.
2. Ensure equity and excellence in all educational levels and evaluate student results and performance of the system as essential factors to further improve the quality of education.
3. Encourage all students to continue their education at least up to 18 years, different training offers flexible, promoting learning throughout life and offering alternatives to harmonize training and employment.
4. Larger and more flexible training provision for both school age youth as for the adult population, and adopt measures to harmonize training and employment, to enable the development of personal skills and increase levels of education and accessibility and permanence in the labor market of the whole population.
5. Increase the use of information technologies and communication as tools usually worked in all areas of knowledge of different educational levels.
6. Promote a set of actions in social and school to ensure that all young people to express themselves with accuracy, at least in a foreign language, especially English.
7. Bringing all schools supported by public funds, public and private schools, ensuring a quality educational service, without discrimination, with operational autonomy, with the means to meet all the students and management teams with a more professional.
11. Getting the teachers have the necessary skills to meet current and future needs of teaching, with good training, both in scientific and pedagogical, motivated and develop their work in optimum conditions for best training of all its students.
12. Ensure inclusive education, recognition of diversity and multiculturalism. and provide the means and resources for all schools to ensure full inclusion, equal opportunities for students with special needs educational support.
PURPOSE 1. The educational success of all students
take the necessary steps to ensure that all students complete their compulsory education knowledge, basic skills and values \u200b\u200bnecessary for personal and professional development for its continuation in future studies in the context of training and learning throughout life.
It is necessary that from the early years of schooling, we put emphasis on the essential learning relating to knowledge, procedures and values \u200b\u200bneeded to ensure that students complete compulsory education having acquired basic skills for personal and professional development.
Also, we need to intensify the provision of enrichment programs and attention to diversity in all compulsory education and curricular diversification programs in the last two years of compulsory secondary education, to ensure that students with greater difficulties learning to get the graduate degree.
Moreover, the performance of Initial Vocational Training Program advises the necessary modifications so that students with more difficulties to extend an offer training that will enable both to get the graduate degree as a professional qualification that allows you to obtain a certificate of professional level 1.
3. Promote early detection of specific educational support needs, especially those associated with disability, and provide the resources needed to achieve the optimal development of all students in this stage, with the support of education and health services organizations.
6. We provide education centers Primary autonomy and resources to adopt specific measures in the case of students with learning difficulties at the time these problems are detected. The organization of these activities shall consider various possibilities for action: flexible groups that enable differentiated service to these students and specific action plans in collaboration with families. To do this, enhance the work tutorial and educational guidance at this stage, aimed at detecting the problems, which if not exceeded, increase in traffic through the education system. Schools must be accountable for the use of the autonomy and resources received.
7. Dotaremos the Primary Schools of the means by which students may be considered necessary to stay one more year in the same cycle, specific activities available to them to overcome learning difficulties identified. These activities will pay special attention to the basics of literacy and numeracy, as well as skills and basic work skills and study.
10. Take necessary measures to facilitate greater coordination between primary and secondary schools, which are attached, to facilitate movement of students between educational stages. Likewise, promote measures to enhance and support students in the first two years of compulsory secondary education with a clear risk of educational neglect.
11. Will promote greater coordination among the team of teachers who teach the same group of students to analyze common level of acquisition of basic skills and the most appropriate measures for the academic success of all students, strengthening the tutor's role as team coordinator.
13. Promote educational intervention in compulsory education is toward more individualized attention to students, promoting the value of the stimulus merit and personal effort of the student, along with the spirit of excellence, participation, coexistence, respect and work in the classroom and beyond.
14. In the third and fourth of the Compulsory Secondary Education, from the information obtained, both of the assessments made by schools as of the census evaluation of diagnosis, establish centers of support measures necessary to encourage the students not has reached the appropriate development of core competencies to achieve the conditions necessary to obtain a graduate degree in Secondary Education.
15. Will increase the supply of diversity programs curriculum to serve all students for which it considers to be the best option to achieve the objectives of the stage, and thereby obtain the title of graduate in secondary education.
16. Strengthen action to academic and professional guidance in Secondary Education so that students can choose the options best suited to your skills and interests.
OBJECTIVE 2. Equity and excellence. Evaluation as a factor to improve the quality of education.
ensure equity and excellence in all educational levels and evaluate student results and performance of the system as essential factors to continue improving the quality of education.
equity and excellence are two unquestionable principles of policies aimed at improving the quality of education, from a perspective that understands education as a decisive factor for economic and social progress. This requires a sustained effort to obtain from each student as much as possible. Thus, together with actions to redress the inequalities of access and correction of gaps in learning, generally establish procedures for developing the full potential of each student.
The development of these skills should be part of ordinary work in all classrooms the different stages of education, but at the same time, we must adopt programs to reinforce for students with greater learning difficulties and deepening programs for students with greater ability and motivation to learn.
teachers need to Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Education undertake a coordinated effort to allow individual attention to students, to identify learning difficulties at the time in which they occur. Pay special attention to socially disadvantaged groups to achieve social inclusion and school in order to achieve real equality of opportunity education and avoid absenteeism and early school leaving. Proposals
24. Will increase support programs and educational support (BOW) so that all students with learning disabilities enrolled in schools supported by public funds, may have the necessary support measures to overcome them, from the moment that detected from the earliest years of schooling.
25. Establish, in collaboration with municipalities and other organizations, comprehensive care programs aimed at students with special needs educational support to the educational projects of all schools incorporate specific plans attention to this alumnado.C
33. Encourage the development centers of innovation projects and programs concerning organizational and educational autonomy which will be subsequently evaluated.
GOAL 3. Flexible education system and further education. Lifelong learning.
Encourage all students to continue their education at least up to 18 years, different training offers flexible, promoting learning throughout life and offering alternatives to harmonize training and employment.
Ultimately, improving the education of our citizens, in the initial stages already Throughout his life, is a collective good, a social good. Is investing in the present and the future. Is to lay the foundations for a new growth model that will benefit our entire country as a whole. But above all, a fine for each of the individuals. In the knowledge society, access to quality training, and capacity to learn at all stages of life, offering more choice to every citizen.
47. Promote the necessary support measures aimed at students with special needs educational support to stay and progress in the education system, beyond the compulsory stages, accessing higher levels of training.
GOAL 4. Training as a key instrument for progress towards a new model of economic growth.
Larger and more flexible training provision for both school age youth to the adult population, and adopt measures to harmonize training and employment, to increase levels of education and accessibility and permanence in the market work of the whole population.
GOAL 7. Education as well of public interest and right of every society.
Making all schools supported by public funds, public and private schools, ensure a quality educational service, without discrimination, with operational autonomy, with the necessary means to serve all students and management teams with the utmost professionalism.
should promote freedom of choice for families and access to equal facilities for students with special needs educational support to students from immigrant or ethnic or cultural minorities.
On the other hand, we must move towards greater pedagogic, organizational and management of schools to have the tools necessary to respond, in their educational projects and plans of action, to the needs of students who have enrolled.
To achieve an effective use of such autonomy is necessary to strengthen the role of management teams, improve education and promote a new culture of evaluation as to show the evolution of both aspects of the organization and operation of schools , and the results of student learning.
Proposals Have in all public and private schools for professionals, specific programs and resources and support measures required to meet the specific needs of students with educational support.
82. Reinforce more resources, faculty expertise and specific compensation measures to the public and private schools that enrolled in school to a greater number of students with specific educational support.
GOAL 9. Social dimension of education: scholarships and financial aid.
The education authorities should strengthen the social dimension of our educational system at all levels. The grants and guarantee equal opportunities in access to education and social and territorial cohesion. The goal is that improvements in quality and excellence are available to all students.
Our country is making great efforts on scholarships and grants.
The education authorities have to jointly design a new model of grants and assistance to ensure better social cohesion and equal opportunities, and to cover new procedures, update the income thresholds, promotes flexibility, encourage international and national mobility students and language learning, facilitate access to resources for people with disabilities and eliminate the inefficiencies and inadequacies of the current model.
We must ensure social inclusion in education through scholarships and financial aid system, so that the new model will deepen and be more responsive to the specific needs of students with disabilities.
GOAL 10. Coexistence and values \u200b\u200beducation: Family involvement, faculty and society.
promote measures that encourage school life and education in values \u200b\u200band promoting greater involvement of families and the media, working together with teachers to encourage students to assume their rights and duties responsibly, practice solidarity and respect for others, and strengthening dialogue exercise in the common values \u200b\u200bof participatory and democratic society.
GOAL 11. Teachers: professional and social recognition of teachers.
have more teachers and better prepare for and respond to current needs and future teaching, well trained, motivated and develop their work in optimum conditions to achieve better education for every pupil.
122. We will follow up the new models of initial teacher education at different levels, to introduce, in collaboration with universities, the changes needed for continuous improvement.
123. Improve the teacher selection process, with mechanisms to attract to teaching people better prepared, more capable and better able to the practice of teaching and reinforcing the guarantees of merit and ability in the process of entry and mobility in the teaching corps.
124. We will facilitate the preparation of teachers to adapt to the new realities of the classroom to strengthen lifelong learning. In particular: Encourage
training models in the workplace aimed at training teachers in specific best practices, proven in a real context, and methodologies that support the development of innovation and creativity, making learning shared, so that teachers can learn from their colleagues.
Facilitate the acquisition and development of teaching skills necessary to manage the student group and for attention to student diversity. Enhance
initial training in the workplace of teachers who join the system and its ongoing training throughout their career.
Promote the training of teachers of vocational training in enterprises by establishing a system of incentives for businesses and teachers.
plans in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Autonomous Communities for the implementation of certain continuous training to respond to the priorities to be established, and are more responsive to changing needs.
125. We encourage the stability of teachers in schools, in order to facilitate the development of relevant educational projects.
130. We will promote its own specific model of Education, for R + D + i. It will drive improvements in teaching and learning models and new pedagogical strategies and didactic. OBJECTIVE
12. Inclusive education, diversity and multiculturalism: the right to difference without difference in rights.
ensure inclusive education, recognition of diversity and multiculturalism and seek means and adequate resources to schools to ensure full inclusion, equal opportunities for students with special needs educational support.
Education is a fundamental human right and therefore we must offer students at all educational levels,
inclusive education, intercultural, and plural where all students learn to interact, with respect to live with difference. A quality education and training for everyone.
Inclusive education means that the methodological and organizational issues that drive to meet the needs of impaired students benefit all students. It thus seeks to promote educational environments that encourage participation of all students, promote social and academic success of all students.
We achieve educational inclusion effectively governed by the principles of attention to diversity, conditions, origins and cultures, ensuring equality of opportunity and reconcile the quality and equity in regard to resources and support needed to compensate individual inequalities, in particular those arising from disability.
Although our country has made significant legislative progress in recent years in education, equal opportunities, non discrimination and universal accessibility, we must go further in the practical application of these principles to achieve true inclusion in education.
In that sense, the Covenant on Social and Political Education among its objectives the securing of inclusive education, recognition of diversity and multiculturalism, and the establishment of the necessary means and resources to schools supported with public funds to ensure the full integration and inclusion, equal opportunity and nondiscrimination for all students, including those with specific educational support, including those due to disability, ensuring universal accessibility and design for everyone in all stages of education.
This, in addition to measures already expressed in the different sections of the document will promote the following proposals:
132. Early detection of specific educational support needs, particularly those associated with disability in order to start from the very moment when those needs are identified, the integral attention of students, guided by the principles of inclusion, equal opportunities, universal access and design for everyone.
133. Secure support resources required students with disabilities throughout all stages of education, taking into account the principles outlined in the previous proposal, which will allow access, retention and promotion within the education system and the physical accessibility , communication, content and learning materials, new technologies and the various activities carried out in general for all students.
134. Promote coordination of the staff teaching different levels, and proper counseling, in order to allow the transit of students with specific educational support needs, arising of disabilities among the different educational stages for later professional training and integration into the workplace.
135. Upgrade the qualifications and competence in initial and continuing training of teachers and heads of educational guidance for better care for pupils with special educational needs, as well as the formation of the Educational Inspection on principles of inclusion and diversity functional, as all those involved in the educational process.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
What Do Candles In Windows Mean
MARCH 2010
From the Forum for Independent Living we invite you to join us in March and Concert IV to be held next September 11, 2010 in Madrid. We have
Marches Visibility of people with disabilities with the slogan "HUMAN RIGHTS NOW!" In the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 in Madrid and other cities of Spain to claim the rights that we are and legally recognized, however, are violated across the country every day.
To visualize the situation in which people live and functional diversity is necessary for all we unite to claim our rights with strength and conviction. Not only that the affected group is one, but do involve all those who think they are actually depriving people with functional diversity of some fundamental human rights: the right to a dignified life, the right to employment, right to education, the right to free choice about their own life, the right to equal work conditions for equal opportunities from the right, in short, to live an independent life and self-determined.
demand the full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (functional diversity). Our human reality is a matter of Human Rights.
If you know you can visit these two web hosts which we will update the information on the details of the celebration of the IV Rally for RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY
www.forovidaindependiente http://. org / http://
www.derechoshumanosya.org / por_que
Independent Living Forum appreciates your attention and invites you to participate and to disseminate this March. ALL join.
If you want to contact us may do so at the following address:
From the Forum for Independent Living we invite you to join us in March and Concert IV to be held next September 11, 2010 in Madrid. We have
Marches Visibility of people with disabilities with the slogan "HUMAN RIGHTS NOW!" In the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 in Madrid and other cities of Spain to claim the rights that we are and legally recognized, however, are violated across the country every day.
To visualize the situation in which people live and functional diversity is necessary for all we unite to claim our rights with strength and conviction. Not only that the affected group is one, but do involve all those who think they are actually depriving people with functional diversity of some fundamental human rights: the right to a dignified life, the right to employment, right to education, the right to free choice about their own life, the right to equal work conditions for equal opportunities from the right, in short, to live an independent life and self-determined.
demand the full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (functional diversity). Our human reality is a matter of Human Rights.
If you know you can visit these two web hosts which we will update the information on the details of the celebration of the IV Rally for RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY
www.forovidaindependiente http://. org / http://
www.derechoshumanosya.org / por_que
Independent Living Forum appreciates your attention and invites you to participate and to disseminate this March. ALL join.
If you want to contact us may do so at the following address:
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Spondylosis In My Neck.
Association of families with children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), PDD (pervasive developmental disorder), ADD and ADHD (attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity)
Organizers a course for parents of children with ADD and ADHD in Santa Perpetua de Mogoda i region.
Course fee:
- Neuropsychologist: Katy Garcia Nonell
- Neuropsychologist: Eugenia Rigau
Dr.Artigas team.
May 29 from 17h to 21 h.
June 19 17h-21h
Held Vapor
Civic Center. (C / Enric Granados s / n) Santa Perpetua de Mogoda.
course with limited places to 30 personas.Inscripciones by order of request.
10 euros per person a member of Spiral and 40 euros / person not a member of Spiral
More information:
667492550.Preguntar by Encarna in oficina.Mail hours secretaria@espiralcatalunya.org
web-spiral WEB . freehostia.com
With the collaboration of the AMPAS in municipal schools.
Association of families with children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), PDD (pervasive developmental disorder), ADD and ADHD (attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity)
Organizers a course for parents of children with ADD and ADHD in Santa Perpetua de Mogoda i region.
Course fee:
- Neuropsychologist: Katy Garcia Nonell
- Neuropsychologist: Eugenia Rigau
Dr.Artigas team.
May 29 from 17h to 21 h.
June 19 17h-21h
Held Vapor
Civic Center. (C / Enric Granados s / n) Santa Perpetua de Mogoda.
course with limited places to 30 personas.Inscripciones by order of request.
10 euros per person a member of Spiral and 40 euros / person not a member of Spiral
More information:
667492550.Preguntar by Encarna in oficina.Mail hours secretaria@espiralcatalunya.org
web-spiral WEB . freehostia.com
With the collaboration of the AMPAS in municipal schools.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
What Percent Of My Body Is Muscle?
News. Platform Inclusion in the Covenant
The last step we took as a platform, was to go to Presidency of the Government and the Minister of Education with a document input and development of target 12 of the draft State educational pact.
We share with you the response of Prime Minister's Office and the Cabinet of the Minister, and the letter we sent today, in reply.
Presidency of the Government Response
Charter Platform
We are convinced that inclusive education, quality their interests and needs and equal opportunities with their peers as well as our right, it is possible. Make public the proposal, which parliamentarians are partners with whom we meet, the Chairmen of the Committees on Education and Disability of the congress of deputies, the Minister of Education and the Prime Minister.
is not "the solution" is simply a solution, even if possible education, and this is a recipe "emergency" to intervene and in schools and ensure respect for the rights of our children.
open classrooms for diversity.
still working.
We share with you the response of Prime Minister's Office and the Cabinet of the Minister, and the letter we sent today, in reply.
Presidency of the Government Response
Charter Platform
We are convinced that inclusive education, quality their interests and needs and equal opportunities with their peers as well as our right, it is possible. Make public the proposal, which parliamentarians are partners with whom we meet, the Chairmen of the Committees on Education and Disability of the congress of deputies, the Minister of Education and the Prime Minister.
is not "the solution" is simply a solution, even if possible education, and this is a recipe "emergency" to intervene and in schools and ensure respect for the rights of our children.
open classrooms for diversity.
still working.
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