whales Human Rights for All, associations and autism. Language in autism spectrum Dear friends,
Following the August 30 published in the newspaper Malaga Hoy, "the cryptic autism well," the group "Against the Myths of Autism" has developed a letter to be sent mass email in response mode. Link to
The aim is to become visible, to show our disagreement with items such as dramatic and lurid headlines, which does not do any favors to the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial inclusion and education of our children, leading to only option for them exclusion and seclusion in schools specific residences.
We ask your help, I can well prepare yourself a personal letter, or use this has been done to copy and paste into the email you send.
just have to copy the letter, and add at the end of your data and ID.
The more letters the newspaper receives, the more visibility we have and maybe get it published as a Letter to the Editor, or raised to another article in which better reflects our view of autism, PDD, ASD.
The email addresses that must be addressed are:
This is the letter to the newspaper Malaga Hoy.
Dear Sirs: We read the article "The Well of autism cryptic" published on August 30, 2010 in Málaga Hoy newspaper, signed by Leonor Garcia, and from the Group against the myths of Autism "we are obliged to test with ... because the claims and the negative, horrible mythical transmitting autism do not correspond to the reality that families who we are. With articles like this gets to delve into the view that autism is something horrible, the worst that can happen to a family and a person. Having autism under this section is a pit of desolation, misery and sadness, isolation and suffering that can only be borne away to people in society and their families, held at residences. Nothing is further from the truth: for any of the members of this group is autism an ordeal. Having accepted that your child has autism, and overcome the shock of the diagnosis, all families move into a new reality, autism is not incompatible with a full and happy family life. Why we fight these misconceptions and devastating. Our group brings together more 5,000 families living Autism as synonymous never indifferent, unhappy people who live isolated in their world because they are incapable of feeling. People with autism are like you and have the same rights. Today, progress always occur and many times, with giant strides. With proper stimulation, when more intense best, always having clear goals and ensuring interaction and a fun environment our children evolve into a years.If unthinkable goals may well be some percentage of people with mentally retarded and autistic behaviors associated with in many cases with other syndromes or problems associated, in general, the person with autism receiving a Early care and appropriate therapy throughout their lives will not live at all the horrible desolation described in this article. People with autism feel, laugh, cry, angry, pet, give kisses, they want to play ... and that if they communicate well through language, either alternative and augmentative communication. Learn, grow, enjoy and have a full and happy life. Sometimes, due to their way of thinking and other sensory problems, they cost a bit more expressive. Need more help than other children, a lot of understanding and therapy to guide them on their way forward. But here we are parents, relatives, friends educators, therapists ... A team that we teach them to channel emotions to express, in reality compartirlas.Nuestra points rather to families who may be equally happy or try to be like everyone else. A child wanting to make friends and to be part of the group in which they operate. A hit can love their families, friends, and show a thousand ways more honest than mere words. A person with autism can do a job well done. Autism is a broad spectrum, but its description in this article is biased, negative and devastating. Can you imagine what some parents think they have just received the diagnosis of her son to read this article? The degree of autonomy acquired by the majority of children now diagnosed with autism early is much higher than is reflected here, can be autonomous adults with full lives, although this need some kind of support or is tutela.Ahí which should influence physicians, which should disclose the media to inform, for example, symptoms of autism, knowing early recognition, and at the slightest suspicion provide adequate therapy. Give access to parents to choose the therapy that all children have equal opportunities. Teaming up with parents. Increase public awareness and the administration to come forward more aid. And close our doors inclusión.No promote and fight together for inclusion. Do not spread false ideas, but the reality of autism. What is needed is to create an ideal educational model with the necessary support and structured environment necessary to foster inclusión.También shuffled figures are wrong. In the English Parliament was officially told of the figure of 1 person with autism for every 150 births. This shows that the number of people affected by autism is much higher than reflected here, and when you talk about 500 people to the province of Malaga, we fear that these accounts are only census estimate the associated families when are many more, are not and in whose lives there autism. And may not be associated with precisely because they are not represented in this mythical and negative Autismo.Por other hand we know that autism is increasing alarmingly in numbers, and other countries like USA are already talking of an epidemic of autism. The reason for this increase in cases is unknown but is believed to have proven a genetic basis, is joined by other environmental has not yet been discovered. Continúan.Por research this, with this letter we would like to invite you to visit our reality and our children, affected children and adults with autism, their families and friends. We offer you know about our task, our struggle and all the love we are capable people with autism. We propose to help us once to kill off some prejudices that continue to spread his newspaper without malice, but that hurt us, and are a terrible obstacle to our chicos.Un greeting. (Insert Name , ID) (Add all the data that you believe appropriate) This letter supports AGAINST AUTISM GROUP http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=95821494318 SPAIN INCLUDING PLATFORM: http://pactoeducativoparatodos.blogspot. com / http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=231274669396&ref=ts% 2F PLATFORM FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS WITH TGD / TEA IN MALAGA http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=231274669396&ref=ts% 2F # / profile.php? Id = 100001131680041 http://plataformatgdteamalaga.blogspot. com We have prepared another letter to go to the CERMI, CONFEDERATION Autism and Autism MALAGA SPAIN,
The sending emails to those who are:
this is the mailbox Spain autism Confederation
http://www.autismo.org.es/ae/contactar this is the mailbox Málaga
http://www.autismomalaga.org/index.php?seccion=solicitar_informacion Autism This is the letter
Again, from the Group Against Autism Myths, we have to stand up and say very clearly that enough is enough. That's enough to stigmatize and label a very large group of people who have some characteristics pocos.De all know that autism has a wide range of events, hence the tired autistic spectrum. Everyone knows that there is a group of people severely affected adults with autism who need residential and non-specific resources that might even be risking their integrity and their families. Everyone knows that the press is a vehicle Grand progranda and investment justification millonarias.El problem is when a partnership and erected in Confederation representatives of an entire group, not of their membership. And it may be lawful reprentantes erect in a collective, seems to defend the enforcement of existing legislation for the entire group, including the Convention on the Rights of Persons with discapacidad.El problem is when you put forward as representatives and partners with the administrations public, contribute to the design of policies relating to the group, and are recipients of public funds that are supposed to benefit the entire group that claims to represent, while for justify the need or urgency of investment, publishing articles like the following ... which does not hold neither gentleman is Don Money título.Poderoso, wrote Quevedo, and anything goes, to stigmatize children living with and as all their families, going to school with their brothers and neighbors, which included live in their social environment. Enough is enough!! Please speak on behalf of their partnership, his confederation, their membership, but not on behalf of a social group, which collectively are many children and many families who do not represent, or provide or have provided services or defend my interests, which are neither more nor less than respect rights to the English legal system provides all .... And please, share accurate information with appropriate zeros, if possible. Enough! Platform Inclusión.El Spain Malaga newspaper article today. "Http://www.malagahoy.es/article/malaga/778044/criptico/pozo/autismo.html \u0026lt;br /> \u0026lt;br /> Group Charter Against Autism myths http://www .facebook.com / evareduello # / notes/plataforma-inclusion-tgd-malaga/carta-para-el-diario-malaga-hoy-del-grupo-contra-los-mitos-del-autismo/123745267675070